Questions about your bill? We’re here to help.


The February winter storm and historically cold temperatures made headline news across the country, which understandably raised some concerns for many of our customers.

Rest assured, CNG crews worked around the clock to monitor the severe weather and gas supply constraints happening all across the country. We were able to meet the extraordinary energy demand during that time, making sure our customers were able to stay warm throughout the storm.

Thank you to all of our customers for turning down your thermostats and reducing your energy usage during the storm – it made a difference, and helped keep everyone comfortable and safe.

We understand you may have questions about the impact on your gas bill. Gas usage is the single largest portion of energy bills, and cold weather is the biggest factor in increased usage. When temperatures drop and usage increases dramatically, the law of supply and demand creates a temporary increase in commodity prices.

While the winter storm caused unprecedented demand and increased commodity prices, we are committed to making sure the impact on our customers’ cost of gas will be reasonable. We’re working closely with Colorado state regulators to determine the best options to help mitigate the impact on customer bills.