The Colorado Natural Gas Commercial & Industrial Energy Efficiency Program offers participating businesses recommendations and incentives for energy efficiency improvements. Pay less for upgrades that save energy and can help lower operating costs.

Custom Incentives

Qualifying energy improvements are eligible for incentives of $0.80 per therm, which could cover up to 50% or more of the total project cost. Our custom incentives are awarded based on how much your business saves in the year after the upgrades are installed.

Steam trap survey and replacement Evaluation of your steam system and replacement of any failed open traps.
Steam and hot water pipe insulation Insulation of steam or hot water pipes, tanks, steam valves or fittings.
Schedule optimization Adjusting HVAC temperature set point reduces load during unoccupied times.
Demand control ventilation Optimizing CO2 sensor set point reduces the amount of outdoor air that needs to be heated or cooled.
Recirculating hot water pump controls Reduces heat loss and boiler firing rate.
Process boiler Upgrade a process boiler with linkless controls.
Process equipment Includes regenerative thermal oxidizers, economizers and furnaces.
Space-heating equipment Includes condensing unit heaters, destratification fans and HTHV heaters.
Process controls Controls or VFDs on industrial equipment reduce gas use.
Waste heat recovery Recover heat from HVAC or process systems to offset heating needs elsewhere in your facility.

How to Get Started

  1. Complete and send the Customer Participation Agreement below to the Program Administrator:
  2. The Program Administrator will contact you to identify energy efficiency opportunities and install energy-saving upgrades during a no-cost energy audit.
  3. The Program Administrator will calculate your prospective energy savings and help you reserve financial incentives for recommended custom projects.
  4. Complete projects and schedule your post-installation inspection.
  5. Collect your incentive and/or rebate—and enjoy years of energy savings.